

The Rose-Gurewitz-Fox approach applied for patents classification

14 years 13 days ago
The Rose-Gurewitz-Fox approach applied for patents classification
We used the so-called deterministic annealing algorithm due to Rose and Gurewitz by the classification of patent documents. A C++ program based on this algorithm was run first on some artificially constructed data and the results were good. Then we tested it on data sets obtained from some already classified patents. The conclusion we reached is that this algorithm provides an alternative classification to the one used in the US Patent Classification System. Key Words. Unsupervised Classification, Deterministic Annealing, Data Mining, Patent Classification
Ioan Bogdan Hodrea, Radu Ioan Bot, Gert Wanka
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where EOR
Authors Ioan Bogdan Hodrea, Radu Ioan Bot, Gert Wanka
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