

Scheduling trainees at a hospital department using a branch-and-price approach

14 years 3 months ago
Scheduling trainees at a hospital department using a branch-and-price approach
Scheduling trainees (graduate students) is a complicated problem that has to be solved frequently in many hospital departments. We will describe a trainee-scheduling problem encountered in practice (at the ophthalmology department of the university hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven). In this problem, a department has a number of trainees at its disposal, which assist specialists in their activities (surgery, consultation, etc.). For each trainee one has to schedule the activities in which (s)he will assist during a certain time horizon, usually one year. Typically, this kind of scheduling problem is characterized by four types of constraints: work covering constraints, formation requirements, non-availability constraints and setup restrictions. In this paper, we will describe an exact branch-and-price method to solve the problem to optimality.
Jeroen Beliën, Erik Demeulemeester
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where EOR
Authors Jeroen Beliën, Erik Demeulemeester
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