

Indexing Gapped-Factors Using a Tree

14 years 17 days ago
Indexing Gapped-Factors Using a Tree
We present a data structure to index a specific kind of factors, that is of substrings, called gapped-factors. A gapped-factor is a factor containing a gap that is ignored during the indexation. The data structure presented is based on the suffix tree and indexes all the gapped-factors of a text with a fixed size of gap, and only those. The construction of this data structure is done online in linear time and space. Such a data structure may play an important role in various pattern matching and motif inference problems, for instance in text filtration.
Pierre Peterlongo, Julien Allali, Marie-France Sag
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Pierre Peterlongo, Julien Allali, Marie-France Sagot
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