

Zoom interaction design for pen-operated portable devices

14 years 3 months ago
Zoom interaction design for pen-operated portable devices
Maps are currently the most common application domain for ZUIs. Standard techniques for controlling such interfaces on pen-operated devices usually rely on sequential interaction, i.e. the users can either zoom or pan. A more advanced technique is speed-dependent automatic zooming (SDAZ), which combines rate-based panning and zooming into a single operation and thus enables concurrent interaction. Yet another navigation strategy is to allow for concurrent, but separate, zooming and panning. However, due to the limitations of stylus input, this feature requires the pen-operated device to be enhanced with additional input dimensions. We propose one unimanual approach based on pen pressure, and one bimanual approach in which users pan the view with the pen while manipulating the scale by tilting the device. In total, we developed four interfaces (standard, SDAZ, pressure, and tilting) and compared them in a usability study with 32 participants. The results show that SDAZ performed well f...
Thorsten Büring, Jens Gerken, Harald Reiterer
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Thorsten Büring, Jens Gerken, Harald Reiterer
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