

ID-based Weak Blind Signature From Bilinear Pairings

14 years 2 months ago
ID-based Weak Blind Signature From Bilinear Pairings
In a blind signature scheme, the user can get a signature sig(m) on message m generated from the signer's blind signature sig(m ) on blinded message m , but the signer can't know the contents of the message m. When the signature sig(m) is revealed to public after that have been signed, if the signer can find the linkage between the signature sig(m) and the blind signature sig(m ) on blinded message m, the signature is called as weak blind signature, otherwise, called as strong blind signature. In this paper, by using the bilinear pairings, a new ID-based weak blind signature was proposed, which is based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem and Gap Diffie-Hellman Problem. The proposed scheme use ID-based public key instead of public key of digital certification, can effectively simplify the procedure of public key management and reduce the disk storage space. In addition, by choosing different equations, we gained corresponding weak blind signature schemes respectively. Finally,...
Ze-mao Zhao
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Ze-mao Zhao
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