

Efficient integration of road maps

14 years 25 days ago
Efficient integration of road maps
Integration of two road maps is finding a matching between pairs of objects that represent, in the maps, the same realworld road. Several algorithms were proposed in the past for road-map integration; however, these algorithms are not efficient and some of them even require human feedback. Thus, they are not suitable for many important applications (e.g., Web services) where efficiency, in terms of both time and space, is crucial. This paper presents two efficient algorithms for integrating maps in which roads are represented as polylines. The main novelty of these algorithms is in using only the locations of the endpoints of the polylines rather than trying to match whole lines. Experiments on real-world data are given, showing that our approach of integration based on matching merely endpoints is efficient and accurate (that is, it provides high recall and precision). Categories and Subject Descriptors: H.2.8 [Database Management]: Database Applications-Spatial databases and GIS Gen...
Eliyahu Safra, Yaron Kanza, Yehoshua Sagiv, Yerach
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where GIS
Authors Eliyahu Safra, Yaron Kanza, Yehoshua Sagiv, Yerach Doytsher
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