

Campus Grids Meet Applications: Modeling, Metascheduling and Integration

14 years 3 months ago
Campus Grids Meet Applications: Modeling, Metascheduling and Integration
Air Quality Forecasting (AQF) is a new discipline that attempts to reliably predict atmospheric pollution. An AQF application has complex workflows and in order to produce timely and reliable forecast results, each execution requires access to diverse and distributed computational and storage resources. Deploying AQF on grids is one option to satisfy such needs, but requires the related grid middleware to support automated workflow scheduling and execution on grid resources. In this paper, we analyze the challenges in deploying an AQF application in a campus grid environment and present our current efforts to develop a general solution for grid-enabling scientific workflow applications in the GRACCE project. In GRACCE, an application's workflow is described using GAMDL, a powerful dataflow language for describing application logic. The GRACCE metascheduling architecture provides the functionalities required for co-allocating grid resources for workflow tasks, scheduling the workf...
Yonghong Yan, Barbara M. Chapman
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where GRID
Authors Yonghong Yan, Barbara M. Chapman
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