

Online Motion Capture Marker Labeling for Multiple Interacting Articulated Targets

14 years 2 months ago
Online Motion Capture Marker Labeling for Multiple Interacting Articulated Targets
In this paper, we propose an online motion capture marker labeling approach for multiple interacting articulated targets. Given hundreds of unlabeled motion capture markers from multiple articulated targets that are interacting each other, our approach automatically labels these markers frame by frame, by fitting rigid bodies and exploiting trained structure and motion models. Advantages of our approach include: 1) our method is an online algorithm, which requires no user interaction once the algorithm starts. 2) Our method is more robust than traditional the closest point-based approaches by automatically imposing the structure and motion models. 3) Due to the use of the structure model which encodes the rigidity of each articulated body of captured targets, our method can recover missing markers robustly. Our approach is efficient and particularly suited for online computer animation and video game applications. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Com...
Qian Yu, Qing Li, Zhigang Deng
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CGF
Authors Qian Yu, Qing Li, Zhigang Deng
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