

Equity-Efficiency Bicriteria Location with Squared Euclidean Distances

14 years 25 days ago
Equity-Efficiency Bicriteria Location with Squared Euclidean Distances
A facility has to be located within a given region taking two criteria of equity and efficiency into account. Equity is sought by minimizing the inequality in the inhabitant-facility distances, as measured by the sum of the absolute differences between all pairs of squared Euclidean distances from inhabitants to the facility. This measure meets the Pigou-Dalton condition of transfers, and can easily be minimized. Efficiency is measured through optimizing the sum of squared inhabitant-facility distances, either to be minimized or maximized for an attracting or repellent facility respectively. Geometric localization results are obtained for the whole set of Pareto optimal solutions for each of the two resulting bicriteria problems within a convex polygonal region. A polynomial procedure is developed to obtain the full bicriteria plot, both trade-off curves and the corresponding efficient sets. Subject classification: Facilities planning: equity continuous location. Programming: bicriter...
Yoshiaki Ohsawa, Naoya Ozaki, Frank Plastria
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where IOR
Authors Yoshiaki Ohsawa, Naoya Ozaki, Frank Plastria
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