

Modeling and manipulating the structure of hierarchical schemas for the web

14 years 2 months ago
Modeling and manipulating the structure of hierarchical schemas for the web
The Semantic Web is the next step of the current Web where information will become more machine-understandable to support effective data discovery and integration. Hierarchical schemas, either in the form of tree-like structures (e.g., DTDs, XML schemas), or in the form of hierarchies on a category/subcategory basis (e.g., thematic hierarchies of portal catalogs), play an important role in this task. They are used to enrich semantically the available information. Up to now, hierarchical schemas have been treated rather as sets of individual elements, acting as semantic guides for browsing or querying data. Under that view, queries like "find the part of a portal catalog which is not present in another catalog" can be answered only in a procedural way, specifying which nodes to select and how to get them. For this reason, we argue that hierarchical schemas should be treated as full-fledged objects so as to allow for their manipulation. This work proposes models and operators ...
Theodore Dalamagas, Alexandra Meliou, Timos K. Sel
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where ISCI
Authors Theodore Dalamagas, Alexandra Meliou, Timos K. Sellis
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