

Hand Motion Gesture Frequency Properties and Multimodal Discourse Analysis

14 years 13 days ago
Hand Motion Gesture Frequency Properties and Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Gesture and speech are co-expressive and complementary channels of a single human language system. While speech carries the major load of symbolic presentation, gesture provides the imagistic content. We investigate the role of oscillatory/cyclical hand motions in `carrying' this image content. We present our work on the extraction of hand motion oscillation frequencies of gestures that accompany speech. The key challenges are that such motions are characterized by non-stationary oscillations, and multiple frequencies may be simultaneously extant. Also, the duration of the oscillations may be extended over very few cycles. We apply the windowed Fourier transform and wavelet transform to detect and extract gesticulatory oscillations. We tested these against synthetic signals (stationary and non-stationary) and real data sequences of gesticulatory hand movements in natural discourse. Our results show that both filters functioned well for the synthetic signals. For the real data, the...
Yingen Xiong, Francis K. H. Quek
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where IJCV
Authors Yingen Xiong, Francis K. H. Quek
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