

Using Misbehavior to Analyze Strategic versus Aggregate Energy Minimization in Wireless Sensor Networks

14 years 18 days ago
Using Misbehavior to Analyze Strategic versus Aggregate Energy Minimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Abstract-- We present a novel formulation of the problem of energy misbehavior and develop an analytical framework for quantifying its impact on other nodes. Specifically, we formulate two versions of the power control problem for wireless sensor networks with latency constraints arising from duty cycle allocations. In the first version, strategic power optimization, nodes are modeled as rational agents in a power game, who strategically adjust their powers to minimize their own energy. In the other version, joint power optimization, sensor nodes adjust their transmission powers to minimize the aggregate energy expenditure. Our analysis of these models yields insights into the different energy outcomes of strategic versus joint power optimization. We show that while joint power optimization fits the accepted paradigm of cooperation among sensor nodes (for example large number of sensor nodes cooperating for a task such as target tracking), it comes with both advantages and disadvantage...
Rajgopal Kannan, Shuangqing Wei, Vasu Chakravarthy
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Rajgopal Kannan, Shuangqing Wei, Vasu Chakravarthy, Guna Seetharaman
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