

Weblog success: Exploring the role of technology

14 years 18 days ago
Weblog success: Exploring the role of technology
Weblogs have recently gained considerable media attention. Leading weblog sites are already attracting millions of visitors. Yet, success in the highly competitive world of weblogs is not easily achieved. This study seeks to explore weblog success from a technology perspective, i.e. from the impact of weblog-building technology (or blogging tool). Based on an examination of 126 highly successful weblogs tracked over a period of three months, we categorized weblogs in terms of popularity rank and growth, and evaluated the relationship between weblog success (in terms of popularity) and technology use. Our analysis indicates that weblog success is associated with the type of blogging tool used. We argue that technology characteristics affect the presentation and organization of weblog content, as well as the social interaction between bloggers, and in turn, affect weblog success or popularity improvement. Based on our observation, we propose a techno-social success model for weblogs. Th...
Helen S. Du, Christian Wagner
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Helen S. Du, Christian Wagner
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