

Maximal Error-Detecting Capabilities of Formal Languages

14 years 2 months ago
Maximal Error-Detecting Capabilities of Formal Languages
A combinatorial channel is a set of pairs of words describing all the possible input-output channel situations. We introduce the concept "maximal error-detecting capability" of a formal language, with respect to a certain class of combinatorial channels. The new concept is intended to address formally the question of "finding the largest amount of errors that a language can detect". We focus on rational channels (those described by finite transducers) and on regular languages, and consider the problem of computing maximal error-detecting capabilities of a given regular language for various classes of rational channels. We also discuss briefly the concept "maximal error-correcting capability" of a formal language. Key words: algorithm, automaton, channel, combinatorial channel, error correction, error detection, error model, maximal, formal language, regular language.
Stavros Konstantinidis, Pedro V. Silva
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JALC
Authors Stavros Konstantinidis, Pedro V. Silva
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