

Adaptivity and computational complexity in the numerical solution of ODEs

14 years 13 days ago
Adaptivity and computational complexity in the numerical solution of ODEs
In this paper we analyze the problem of adaptivity for one-step numerical methods for solving ODEs, both IVPs and BVPs, with a view to generating grids of minimal computational cost for which the local error is below a prescribed tolerance (optimal grids). The grids are generated by introducing an auxiliary independent variable and finding a grid deformation map, t = (), that maps an equidistant grid {j} to a non-equidistant grid in the original independent variable, {tj}. An optimal deformation map is determined by a variational approach. Finally, we investigate the cost of the solution procedure and compare it to the cost of using equidistant grids. We show that if the principal error function is non-constant, an adaptive method is always more efficient than a nonadaptive method.
Silvana Ilie, Gustaf Söderlind, Robert M. Cor
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JC
Authors Silvana Ilie, Gustaf Söderlind, Robert M. Corless
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