

Scaling Laws of Cognitive Networks

14 years 3 months ago
Scaling Laws of Cognitive Networks
—Opportunistic secondary spectrum usage has the potential to dramatically increase spectral efficiency and rates of a network of secondary cognitive users. In this work we consider a cognitive network: n pairs of cognitive transmitter and receiver wish to communicate simultaneously in the presence of a single primary transmitter-receiver link. We assume each cognitive transmitter-receiver pair communicates in a realistic single-hop fashion, as cognitive links are likely to be highly localized in space. We first show that under an outage constraint on the primary link’s capacity, provided that the density of the cognitive users is constant, the sum-rate of the n cognitive links scales linearly with n as n → ∞. This scaling is in contrast to the sum-rate scaling of √ n seen in multi-hop ad-hoc networks. We then explore the optimal radius of the primary exclusive region: the region in which no secondary cognitive users may transmit, such that the outage constraint on the prima...
Mai Vu, Natasha Devroye, Masoud Sharif, Vahid Taro
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CORR
Authors Mai Vu, Natasha Devroye, Masoud Sharif, Vahid Tarokh
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