

Social choice theory, belief merging, and strategy-proofness

14 years 3 months ago
Social choice theory, belief merging, and strategy-proofness
Intelligent agents have to be able to merge informational inputs received from different sources in a coherent and rational way. Several proposals have been made for information merging in which it is possible to encode the preferences of sources [5,4,19,24,25,1]. Information merging has much in common with social choice theory, which aims to define operations reflecting the preferences of a society from the individual preferences of the members of the society. Given this connection, frameworks for information merging should provide satisfactory resolutions of problems raised in social choice theory. We investigate the link between the merging of epistemic states and some results in social choice theory. This is achieved by providing a consistent set of properties--akin to those used in Arrow
Samir Chopra, Aditya K. Ghose, Thomas Andreas Meye
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Samir Chopra, Aditya K. Ghose, Thomas Andreas Meyer
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