

Universal Quantile Estimation with Feedback in the Communication-Constrained Setting

14 years 2 months ago
Universal Quantile Estimation with Feedback in the Communication-Constrained Setting
Abstract— We consider the following problem of decentralized statistical inference: given i.i.d. samples from an unknown distribution, estimate an arbitrary quantile subject to limits on the number of bits exchanged. We analyze a standard fusionbased architecture, in which each of m sensors transmits a single bit to the fusion center, which in turn is permitted to send some number k bits of feedback. Supposing that each of m sensors receives n observations, the mean-squared error of the optimal centralized protocol decays as O( 1 nm ). First, we describe a decentralized protocol based on k = m bits of feedback that is strongly consistent, and achieves the same asymptotic MSE as the centralized optimum. Second, we describe and analyze a decentralized protocol based on only a single bit (k = 1) of feedback. For step sizes independent of m, it achieves an asymptotic MSE of order O( 1 n √ m ), whereas for step sizes decaying as m−1/2 , it achiveves the same order of MSE—namely, O( ...
Ram Rajagopal, Martin J. Wainwright
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CORR
Authors Ram Rajagopal, Martin J. Wainwright
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