

On Cognitive Interference Networks

14 years 2 months ago
On Cognitive Interference Networks
— We study the high-power asymptotic behavior of the sum-rate capacity of multi-user interference networks with an equal number of transmitters and receivers. We assume that each transmitter is cognizant of the message it wishes to convey to its corresponding receiver and also of the messages that a subset of the other transmitters wish to send. The receivers are assumed not to be able to cooperate in any way so that they must base their decision on the signal they receive only. We focus on the network’s pre-log, which is defined as the limiting ratio of the sum-rate capacity to half the logarithm of the transmitted power. We present both upper and lower bounds on the network’s prelog. The lower bounds are based on a linear partial-cancellation scheme which entails linearly transforming Gaussian codebooks so as to eliminate the interference in a subset of the receivers. Inter alias, the bounds give a complete characterization of the networks and side-information settings that re...
Amos Lapidoth, Shlomo Shamai, Michele A. Wigger
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CORR
Authors Amos Lapidoth, Shlomo Shamai, Michele A. Wigger
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