

Minimally non-Pfaffian graphs

14 years 17 days ago
Minimally non-Pfaffian graphs
We consider the question of characterizing Pfaffian graphs. We exhibit an infinite family of non-Pfaffian graphs minimal with respect to the matching minor relation. This is in sharp contrast with bipartite case, as Little [7] proved that every bipartite non-Pfaffian graph contains a matching minor isomorphic to K3,3. We relax the notion of matching minor and conjecture that there are only finitely many (perhaps as few as two) non-Pfaffian graphs minimal with respect to this notion. We define Pfaffian factor-critical graphs and study them in the second part of the paper. They seem to be of interest as the number of near perfect matchings in a Pfaffian factor-critical graph can be computed in polynomial time. We give a polynomial time recognition algorithm for this class of graphs and characterize minimally non-Pfaffian factorcritical graphs.
Serguei Norine, Robin Thomas
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JCT
Authors Serguei Norine, Robin Thomas
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