

Red-blue covering problems and the consecutive ones property

14 years 3 months ago
Red-blue covering problems and the consecutive ones property
Set Cover problems are of core importance in many applications. In recent research, the "red-blue variants" where blue elements all need to be covered whereas red elements add further constraints on the optimality of a covering have received considerable interest. Application scenarios range from data mining to interference reduction in cellular networks. As a rule, these problem variants are computationally at least as hard as the original set cover problem. In this work we investigate whether and how the well-known consecutive ones property, restricting the structure of the input sets, makes the red-blue covering problems feasible. We explore a sharp border between polynomial-time solvability and NP-hardness for these problems. Key words: Set Cover, Hitting Set, Minimum Membership Set Cover, Minimum Degree Hypergraph, NP-completeness Preprint submitted to Elsevier 30 November 2007
Michael Dom, Jiong Guo, Rolf Niedermeier, Sebastia
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JDA
Authors Michael Dom, Jiong Guo, Rolf Niedermeier, Sebastian Wernicke
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