

Throughput Scaling in Random Wireless Networks: A Non-Hierarchical Multipath Routing Strategy

14 years 2 months ago
Throughput Scaling in Random Wireless Networks: A Non-Hierarchical Multipath Routing Strategy
— Franceschetti et al. [1] have recently shown that per-node throughput in an extended (i.e., geographically expanding), ad hoc wireless network with Θ(n) randomly distributed nodes and multihop routing can be increased from the Ω( 1√ n log n ) scaling demonstrated in the seminal paper of Gupta and Kumar [2] to Ω( 1√ n ). The goal of the present paper is to understand the dependence of this interesting result on the principal new features it introduced relative to Gupta-Kumar: (1) a capacity-based formula for link transmission bit-rates in terms of received signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR), instead of the threshold model that positive bit-rate W is attainable when SINR lies above some threshold, and zero bit-rate otherwise; (2) hierarchical routing from sources to destinations through a system of communal highways, instead of individual direct routes from each source to the corresponding destination; and (3) cell-based routes constructed by percolation rather th...
Awlok Josan, Mingyan Liu, David L. Neuhoff, S. San
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CORR
Authors Awlok Josan, Mingyan Liu, David L. Neuhoff, S. Sandeep Pradhan
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