— Franceschetti et al. [1] have recently shown that per-node throughput in an extended (i.e., geographically expanding), ad hoc wireless network with Θ(n) randomly distributed nodes and multihop routing can be increased from the Ω( 1√ n log n ) scaling demonstrated in the seminal paper of Gupta and Kumar [2] to Ω( 1√ n ). The goal of the present paper is to understand the dependence of this interesting result on the principal new features it introduced relative to Gupta-Kumar: (1) a capacity-based formula for link transmission bit-rates in terms of received signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR), instead of the threshold model that positive bit-rate W is attainable when SINR lies above some threshold, and zero bit-rate otherwise; (2) hierarchical routing from sources to destinations through a system of communal highways, instead of individual direct routes from each source to the corresponding destination; and (3) cell-based routes constructed by percolation rather th...
Awlok Josan, Mingyan Liu, David L. Neuhoff, S. San