—We present a deterministic channel model which captures several key features of multiuser wireless communication. We consider a model for a wireless network with nodes connected by such deterministic channels , and present an exact characterization of the end-to-end capacity when there is a single source and a single destination and an arbitrary number of relay nodes. This result is a natural generalization of the max-flow mincut theorem for wireline networks. Finally to demonstrate the connections between deterministic model and Gaussian model, we look at two examples: the single-relay channel and the diamond network. We show that in each of these two examples, the capacity-achieving scheme in the corresponding deterministic model naturally suggests a scheme in the Gaussian model that is within 1 bit and 2 bit respectively from cut-set upper bound, for all values of the channel gains. This is the first part of a twopart paper; the sequel [1] will focus on the proof of the max-fl...
Amir Salman Avestimehr, Suhas N. Diggavi, David N.