

A general class of simple majority decision rules based on linguistic opinions

14 years 13 days ago
A general class of simple majority decision rules based on linguistic opinions
In this paper we have introduced a class of decision rules related to simple majority, by considering individual intensities of preference. These intensities will be shown by means of linguistic labels. In order to compare the amount of opinion obtained by each alternative, we have considered the total ordered monoid generated by the sums of the original labels, according to an addition and an ordering. In this general framework different sets of linguistic labels can be employed and these sets can be represented by means of diverse mathematical objects. Moreover, on these mathematical representations of linguistic labels several orderings can be considered. Thus, flexibility is an important feature of this new class of group decision making procedures. Some examples of putting in practice the simple majority decision rules based on linguistic labels are provided, and the main properties of these voting systems are analyzed. It is worth emphasizing that these properties are satisfied ...
José Luis García-Lapresta
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where ISCI
Authors José Luis García-Lapresta
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