

Simulating botulinum neurotoxin with constant pH molecular dynamics in Generalized Born implicit solvent

14 years 24 days ago
Simulating botulinum neurotoxin with constant pH molecular dynamics in Generalized Born implicit solvent
A new method was proposed by Mongan et al for constant pH molecular dynamics simulation and was implemented in AMBER 8 package. Protonation states are modeled with different charge sets, and titrating residues are sampled from a Boltzmann distribution of protonation states generated by Monte Carlo sampling based on Generalized Born (GB) derived energies. However, when this approach was applied to a bio-toxin, Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A (BoNT/A) at pH 4.4, 4.7, 5.0, 6.8 and 7.2, the pKa predictions yielded by the method were inconsistent with the experimental values. The systems being simulated were divergent. Furthermore, the system behaviors in a very weak acidic solution (pH6.8) and in a very weak basic solution (pH7.2) were significantly different from the neutral case (pH7.0). Hence, we speculate this method may require further study for modeling large biomolecule. Key words: Constant pH molecular dynamics; Botulinum Neurotoxin; Generalized Born Method
Yongzhi Chen, Xin Chen, Yuefan Deng
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Yongzhi Chen, Xin Chen, Yuefan Deng
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