

Efficient Discovery of Frequent Continuities by Projected Window List Technology

14 years 2 months ago
Efficient Discovery of Frequent Continuities by Projected Window List Technology
Mining frequent patterns in databases is a fundamental and essential problem in data mining research. A continuity is a kind of causal relationship which describes a definite temporal factor with exact position between the records. Since continuities break the boundaries of records, the number of potential patterns will increase drastically. An alternative approach is to mine compressed or closed frequent continuities. Mining compressed/closed frequent patterns has the same power as mining the complete set of frequent patterns, while substantially reducing redundant rules to be generated and increasing the effectiveness of mining. In this paper, we propose a method called projected window list (PWL) technology for the mining of frequent continuities. We present a series of frequent continuity mining algorithms, including PROWL+, COCOA and ClosedPROWL. Experimental evaluation on both real world and synthetic datasets shows that our algorithm is more efficient than previously proposed a...
Kuo-Yu Huang, Chia-Hui Chang, Kuo-Zui Lin
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JISE
Authors Kuo-Yu Huang, Chia-Hui Chang, Kuo-Zui Lin
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