

Adaptive mutual exclusion with local spinning

14 years 2 months ago
Adaptive mutual exclusion with local spinning
We present an adaptive algorithm for N-process mutual exclusion under read/write atomicity in which all busy waiting is by local spinning. In our algorithm, each process p performs O(k) remote memory references to enter and exit its critical section, where k is the maximum “point contention” experienced by p. The space complexity of our algorithm is Θ(N), which is clearly optimal. Our algorithm is the first mutual exclusion algorithm under read/write atomicity that is adaptive when time complexity is measured by counting remote memory references.
Yong-Jik Kim, James H. Anderson
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where DC
Authors Yong-Jik Kim, James H. Anderson
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