

Joint Optimization of Local and Fusion Rules in a Decentralized Sensor Network

14 years 16 days ago
Joint Optimization of Local and Fusion Rules in a Decentralized Sensor Network
Decentralized sensor networks are collections of individual local sensors that observe a common phenomenon, quantize their observations, and send this quantized information to a central processor (fusion center) which then makes a global decision about the phenomenon. Most of the existing literature in this field consider only the data fusion aspect of this problem, i.e., the statistical hypothesis testing and optimal combining of the information obtained by the local sensors. In this paper, we propose a Parallel Genetic Algorithm (PGA) for optimizing the probability of global detection error performance of a parallel decentralized sensor network. Specifically, we use the PGA to simultaneously optimize both the fusion rule and the local decision rules. We show that our approach provides results comparable to those obtained by using a GA and gradient-based algorithm from previous work by Aldosari and Moura, with reduced complexity. We consider both the cases of identical (homogeneous) a...
Nithya Gnanapandithan, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JCM
Authors Nithya Gnanapandithan, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
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