

Issues in Building Practical Provenance Systems

14 years 3 months ago
Issues in Building Practical Provenance Systems
The importance of maintaining provenance has been widely recognized, particularly with respect to highly-manipulated data. However, there are few deployed databases that provide provenance information with their data. We have constructed a database of protein interactions (MiMI), which is heavily used by biomedical scientists, by manipulating and integrating data from several popular biological sources. The provenance stored provides key information for assisting researchers in understanding and trusting the data. In this paper, we describe several desiderata for a practical provenance system, based on our experience from this system. We discuss the challenges that these requirements present, and outline solutions to several of these challenges that we have implemented. Our list of a dozen or so desiderata includes: efficiently capturing provenance from external applications; managing provenance size; and presenting provenance in a usable way. For example, data is often manipulated v...
Adriane Chapman, H. V. Jagadish
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where DEBU
Authors Adriane Chapman, H. V. Jagadish
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