

Information Storage and Retrieval Schemes for Recycling Products

14 years 3 months ago
Information Storage and Retrieval Schemes for Recycling Products
A recycling object is in its recycle chain and its status may often change according to recycling stage or reusing status; even its structure could often dynamically change according to its reusing demand. Capturing the structure of recycling objects with a single uniform schema definition is hard and the conventional database management system would be inadequate to deal with this situation. Moreover database management system employed in a recycle management system is better to provide the capability of not only storing and retrieving information but also that of OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) especially along the time axis. OLAP capability serves as an aid of better decision making for recycling manufactures or dealers. This paper considers several requirements needed for recycling management systems, especially on their information storage architecture and retrieval capability for recycling objects. Their realization scheme adapting these requirements will also be discussed. U...
Takayuki Tsuchida, Teppei Shimada, Tatsuo Tsuji, K
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JSW
Authors Takayuki Tsuchida, Teppei Shimada, Tatsuo Tsuji, Ken Higuchi
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