

Alternating sign matrices with one -1 under vertical reflection

14 years 2 months ago
Alternating sign matrices with one -1 under vertical reflection
We define a bijection that transforms an alternating sign matrix A with one -1 into a pair (N, E) where N is a (so called) neutral alternating sign matrix (with one -1) and E is an integer. The bijection preserves the classical parameters of Mills, Robbins and Rumsey as well as three new parameters (including E). It translates vertical reflection of A into vertical reflection of N. A hidden symmetry allows the interchange of E with one of the remaining two new parameters. A second bijection transforms (N, E) into a configuration of lattice paths called "mixed configuration". R
Pierre Lalonde
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JCT
Authors Pierre Lalonde
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