

Frame packing algorithms for automotive applications

14 years 2 months ago
Frame packing algorithms for automotive applications
The set of frames exchanged in automotive applications must meet two constraints: it has to be feasible from a schedulability point of view and it should minimize the network bandwidth consumption. This latter point is important since it allows the use of low cost electronic components and it facilitates an incremental design process. The purpose of this study is to propose efficient algorithms for solving the NP-hard problem of generating a set of schedulable frames that minimize the bandwidth usage. This study presents novel algorithms for building bandwidth-minimizing sets of frames that meet the schedulability requirement. In our experiments, these proposals have proved to be more effective than the existing approaches.
Rishi Saket, Nicolas Navet
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JEC
Authors Rishi Saket, Nicolas Navet
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