

Video quality and system resources: Scheduling two opponents

14 years 13 days ago
Video quality and system resources: Scheduling two opponents
In this article we present three key ideas which together form a flexible framework for maximizing user-perceived quality under given resources with modern video codecs (H.264). First, we present a method to predict resource usage for video decoding online. For this, we develop and discuss a video decoder model using key metadata from the video stream. Second, we explain a light-weight method for providing replacement content for a given region of a frame. We use this method for online adaptation. Third, we select a metric modeled after human image perception which we extend to quantify the consequences of available online adaptation decisions. Together, these three parts allow us, to the best of our knowledge for the first time, to maximize user-perceived quality in video playback under given resource constraints. Key words: real-time, video decoding, adaptation, H.264, MPEG, prediction, decoding time prediction, visual quality, error propagation PACS: 20.000, 20.090, 50.000, 50.010,...
Michael Roitzsch, Martin Pohlack
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Michael Roitzsch, Martin Pohlack
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