

Pattern based map comparisons

14 years 2 months ago
Pattern based map comparisons
Map comparison techniques based on a pixel-by-pixel comparison are useful for many purposes, but fail to reveal important aspects of map similarities and differences. In contrast, pattern based map comparison techniques address the question of structural similarity, although with these approaches the comparison problem becomes open ended, since there is an unlimited number of ways to characterise a pattern. Two types of pattern based technique are used here to analyse the test sets of maps. The first, a fuzzy polygon based matching technique, focuses on the meso-scale aspects of pattern. It is based on the areal intersection of land use polygons on the two maps being compared. The areal intersection, areal complement, and polygon size values are fuzzified into an appropriate set of categories, a set of fuzzy inference rules is applied to derive memberships in local matching categories, and finally the local matching category memberships are defuzzified to yield local matching values fo...
Roger White
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JGS
Authors Roger White
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