

Readable Representations for Large-Scale Bipartite Graphs

14 years 13 days ago
Readable Representations for Large-Scale Bipartite Graphs
Bipartite graphs appear in various scenes in the real world, and visualizing these graphs helps improve our understanding of network structures. The amount of information that is available to us has increased dramatically in recent years, and it is therefore necessary to develop a drawing technique that corresponds to large-scale graphs. In this paper, we describe drawing methods to make large-scale bipartite graphs easy to read. We propose two techniques: "node contraction drawing," which involves collecting similar nodes and drawing them as one node, and "isosimilarity contour drawing," which puts clusters into an outlined area. We developed interactive user interfaces for the drawing methods and conducted an evaluation experiment to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.
Shuji Sato, Kazuo Misue, Jiro Tanaka
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where KES
Authors Shuji Sato, Kazuo Misue, Jiro Tanaka
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