

Remote Job Submission Security

14 years 26 days ago
Remote Job Submission Security
This paper presents the middleware needed to deploy jobs to non-geographically colocated clusters with decentralized look-up severs. We have named our framework the Initium Remote Job Submission (RJS) system. Initium generates a jar file that is signed by a trusted certificate authority CA [Lyon]. The jar is run by a Computation Server (CS), (a remote computer running the Initium Computer Server Software). A Web Server (WS) has a Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) file that makes reference to a signed jar file on a web server. The signed jar file contains a job for the computation server. This jar file is called the computation jar. The computation jar is executed on the CS and the answer is sent back to the server using RMI over SSL (RMI/SSL). A look-up server (LUS) is used to register computation servers as they come on line. When a computation server is started, it registers with a LUS. The LUS then updates its list of computation servers, in the cluster. Look-up servers can be st...
Pawel Krepsztul, Douglas A. Lyon
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JOT
Authors Pawel Krepsztul, Douglas A. Lyon
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