

Estimation of the Location of Joint Points of Human Body from Successive Volume Data

15 years 4 months ago
Estimation of the Location of Joint Points of Human Body from Successive Volume Data
Recognizing structure of human body is important for modeling human motion. Human body is usually represented as an articulate model, which consists of the rigid parts and the joint points between them. The structure of the human body is specified by the joint points. In this paper we propose a novel method for estimating the location of joint points from successive volume data. Our joint point estimation method consists of three steps. Inthe first step, rigid parts are extracted from two successive volumedataunder the constraint of the rigid transformation. Inthe second step, the joint points areestimated based on the rigid parts. As the last step, false joint points are eliminated by using more successive data. Applying the method to the simulated data, the locations of joint points of the human are correctly estimated.
Masaaki Iiyama, Yoshinari Kameda, Michihiko Minoh
Added 09 Nov 2009
Updated 09 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ICPR
Authors Masaaki Iiyama, Yoshinari Kameda, Michihiko Minoh
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