

Multiplier convergence in trust-region methods with application to convergence of decomposition methods for MPECs

14 years 1 months ago
Multiplier convergence in trust-region methods with application to convergence of decomposition methods for MPECs
Abstract. We study piecewise decomposition methods for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) for which all constraint functions are linear. At each iteration of a decomposition method, one step of a nonlinear programming scheme is applied to one piece of the MPEC to obtain the next iterate. Our goal is to understand global convergence to B-stationary points of these methods when the embedded nonlinear programming solver is a trust-region scheme, and the selection of pieces is determined using multipliers generated by solving the trust-region subproblem. To this end we study global convergence of a linear trust-region scheme for linearly-constrained NLPs that we call a trust-search method. The trust-search has two features that are critical to global convergence of decomposition methods for MPECs: a robustness property with respect to switching pieces, and a multiplier convergence result that appears to be quite new for trust-region methods. These combine to clarify...
Giovanni Giallombardo, Daniel Ralph
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where MP
Authors Giovanni Giallombardo, Daniel Ralph
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