

A motion capture-based control-space approach for walking mannequins

14 years 12 days ago
A motion capture-based control-space approach for walking mannequins
Virtual mannequins need to navigate in order to interact with their environment. Their autonomy to accomplish the navigation task is ensured by locomotion controllers. Control inputs can be user-defined or automatically computed to achieve high level operations (e.g. obstacle avoidance). This paper presents a locomotion controller based on a motion capture edition technique. The inputs are the linear and the angular velocities. The solution works in real time and supports at any time continuous changes of the inputs. The controller combines three main components to synthesize a locomotion animation in a 4-stage process. The Motion Library stores motion capture samples. Motion captures are analysed to compute quantitative characteristics. The characteristics are represented into a linear control space. This geometric representation is adequate to select and to weight three motion samples with respect to the controller inputs. Locomotion cycles are synthesized by blending the selected m...
Julien Pettré, Jean-Paul Laumond
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JVCA
Authors Julien Pettré, Jean-Paul Laumond
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