

Solving power and trust conflicts through argumentation in agent-mediated knowledge distribution

14 years 2 months ago
Solving power and trust conflicts through argumentation in agent-mediated knowledge distribution
Distributing pieces of knowledge in large, usually distributed organizations is a central problem in Knowledge and Organization management. Policies for distributing knowledge and information are mostly incomplete or in potential conflict with each other. As a consequence, decision processes for information distribution may be difficult to formalize on the basis of a rationally justified procedure. This article presents an argumentative approach to cope with this problem based on integrating the JITIK multiagent system with Defeasible Logic Programming (DeLP), a logic programming formalism for defeasible argumentation. We show how power relations, as well as delegation and trust, can be embedded within our framework in terms of DeLP, in such a way that a dialectical argumentation process works as a decision core. Conflicts among policies are solved on the basis of a dialectical analysis whose outcome determines to which specific users different pieces of knowledge are to be delivered....
Carlos Iván Chesñevar, Ramón
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where KES
Authors Carlos Iván Chesñevar, Ramón F. Brena, José-Luis Aguirre
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