

An evolutionary approach to cancer chemotherapy scheduling

14 years 3 months ago
An evolutionary approach to cancer chemotherapy scheduling
In this paper, we investigate the employment of evolutionary algorithms as a search mechanism in a decision support system for designing chemotherapy schedules. Chemotherapy involves using powerful anticancer drugs to help eliminate cancerous cells and cure the condition. It is given in cycles of treatment alternating with rest periods to allow the body to recover from toxic side-effects. The number and duration of these cycles would depend on many factors, and the oncologist would schedule a treatment for each patient’s condition. The design of a chemotherapy schedule can be formulated as an optimal control problem; using an underlying mathematical model of tumour growth (that considers interactions with the immune system and multiple applications of a cycle-phase-specific drug), the objective is to find effective drug schedules that help eradicate the tumour while maintaining the patient health’s above an acceptable level. A detailed study on the effects of different objec...
Gabriela Ochoa, Minaya Villasana, Edmund K. Burke
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where GPEM
Authors Gabriela Ochoa, Minaya Villasana, Edmund K. Burke
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