

K-Nearest Neighbor Finding Using MaxNearestDist

14 years 3 months ago
K-Nearest Neighbor Finding Using MaxNearestDist
Abstract-Similarity searching often reduces to finding the k nearest neighbors to a query object. Finding the k nearest neighbors is achieved by applying either a depth-first or a best-first algorithm to the search hierarchy containing the data. These algorithms are generally applicable to any index based on hierarchical clustering. The idea is that the data is partitioned into clusters which are aggregated to form other clusters, with the total aggregation being represented as a tree. These algorithms have traditionally used a lower bound corresponding to the minimum distance at which a nearest neighbor can be found (termed MINDIST) to prune the search process by avoiding the processing of some of the clusters as well as individual objects when they can be shown to be farther from the query object q than all of the current k nearest neighbors of q. An alternative pruning technique that uses an upper bound corresponding to the maximum possible distance at which a nearest neighbor is gu...
Hanan Samet
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where PAMI
Authors Hanan Samet
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