

Multiflash Stereopsis: Depth-Edge-Preserving Stereo with Small Baseline Illumination

14 years 12 days ago
Multiflash Stereopsis: Depth-Edge-Preserving Stereo with Small Baseline Illumination
Traditional stereo matching algorithms are limited in their ability to produce accurate results near depth discontinuities, due to partial occlusions and violation of smoothness constraints. In this paper, we use small baseline multiflash illumination to produce a rich set of feature maps that enable the acquisition of discontinuity preserving point correspondences. First, from a single multiflash camera, we formulate a qualitative depth map using a gradient domain method that encodes object relative distances. Then, in a multiview setup, we exploit shadows created by light sources to compute an occlusion map. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of these feature maps by incorporating them into two different dense stereo correspondence algorithms, the first based on local search and the second based on belief propagation. Experimental results show that our enhanced stereo algorithms are able to extract high-quality discontinuity preserving correspondence maps from scenes that are ext...
Rogerio Feris, Ramesh Raskar, Longbin Chen, Kar-Ha
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where PAMI
Authors Rogerio Feris, Ramesh Raskar, Longbin Chen, Kar-Han Tan, Matthew Turk
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