

WWW traffic measure and its properties

14 years 2 months ago
WWW traffic measure and its properties
Abstract. We present a method to extract a time series (Number of Active Requests (NAR)) from web cache logs which serves as a transport level measurement of internet traffic. This series also reflects the performance or Quality of Service of a web cache. It has long-memory properties but is not self-similar and does not have a heavy-tailed distribution. However, the long-memory and autocorrelation structure of NAR are preserved through aggregation, that is the aggregated series has similar statistical properties to the original one. We call this property aggregation similarity. Aggregation similarity is a very useful property, which makes management of large data sets easier and speeds up the asymptotic properties of time series. Key Words: Long memory process; Cache log data; Number of Active Requests
Marcus R. Keogh-Brown, Barbara Bogacka
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where IDA
Authors Marcus R. Keogh-Brown, Barbara Bogacka
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