

Regularized query classification using search click information

14 years 16 days ago
Regularized query classification using search click information
Hundreds of millions of users each day submit queries to the Web search engine. The user queries are typically very short which makes query understanding a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for query representation and classification. By submitting the query to a web search engine, the query can be represented as a set of terms found on the web pages returned by search engine. In this way, each query can be considered as a point in high-dimensional space and standard classification algorithms such as regression can be applied. However, traditional regression is too flexible in situations with large numbers of highly correlated predictor variables. It may suffer from the overfitting problem. By using search click information, the semantic relationship between queries can be incorporated into the learning system as a regularizer. Specifically, from all the functions which minimize the empirical loss on the labeled queries, we select the one which best prese...
Xiaofei He, Pradhuman Jhala
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where PR
Authors Xiaofei He, Pradhuman Jhala
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