

A discrete-time queueing model with periodically scheduled arrival and departure slots

14 years 11 days ago
A discrete-time queueing model with periodically scheduled arrival and departure slots
We consider a time-slotted queueing model where each time slot can either be an arrival slot, in which new packets arrive, or a departure slot, in which packets are transmitted and hence depart from the queue. The slot scheduling strategy we consider describes periodically, and for a fixed number of time slots, which slots are arrival and departure slots. We consider a static and a dynamic strategy. For both strategies, we obtain expressions for the probability generating function of the steady-state queue length and the packet delay. The model is motivated by cable-access networks, which are often regulated by a request-grant procedure in which actual data transmission is preceded by a reservation procedure. Time slots can then either be used for reservation or for data transmission.
Johan van Leeuwaarden, Dee Denteneer, Jacques Resi
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where PE
Authors Johan van Leeuwaarden, Dee Denteneer, Jacques Resing
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