

Detection and Tracking of Multiple Metallic Objects in Millimetre-Wave Images

14 years 11 days ago
Detection and Tracking of Multiple Metallic Objects in Millimetre-Wave Images
Abstract In this paper we present a system for the automatic detection and tracking of metallic objects concealed on moving people in sequences of millimetre-wave (MMW) images. The millimetre-wave sensor employed has been demonstrated for use in covert detection because of its ability to see through clothing, plastics and fabrics. The system employs two distinct stages: detection and tracking. In this paper a single detector, for metallic objects, is presented which utilises a statistical model also developed in this paper. The second stage tracks the target locations of the objects using a Probability Hypothesis Density filter. The advantage of this filter is that it has the ability to track a variable number of targets, estimating both the number of targets and their locations. This avoids the need for data association techniques as the identities of the individual targets are not required. Results are presented for both simulations and real millimetre-wave image test sequences dem...
Christopher D. Haworth, Yves de Saint-Pern, D. Cla
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where IJCV
Authors Christopher D. Haworth, Yves de Saint-Pern, D. Clark, Emanuele Trucco, Yvan R. Petillot
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