

Compressed collections for simulated crawling

14 years 11 days ago
Compressed collections for simulated crawling
Collections are a fundamental tool for reproducible evaluation of information retrieval techniques. We describe a new method for distributing the document lengths and term counts (a.k.a. within-document frequencies) of a web snapshot in a highly compressed and nonetheless quickly accessible form. Our main application is reproducibility of the behaviour of focused crawlers: by coupling our collection with the corresponding web graph compressed with WebGraph [3] we make it possible to apply text-based machine learning tools to the collection, while keeping the data set footprint small. We describe a collection based on a crawl of 100 Mpages of the .uk domain, publicly available in bundle with a Java open-source implementation of our techniques.
Alessio Orlandi, Sebastiano Vigna
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Alessio Orlandi, Sebastiano Vigna
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