

Joint rate-and-power allocation for multi-channel spectrum sharing networks

14 years 3 months ago
Joint rate-and-power allocation for multi-channel spectrum sharing networks
abstract, we propose a study on joint rate-and-power allocation problem for multi-channel spectrum sharing networks (SSNs). We formulate this cross-layer optimization problem as a non-cooperative potential game GJRP A in which each user has a coupled two-tuple strategy, i.e., simultaneous rate and multi-channel power allocations. A multiobjective cost function is designed to represent user's awareness of both QoS provisioning and power saving. Using the game-theoretic formulation, we investigate the properties of Nash equilibrium (N.E.) for our GJRP A model, including its existence, and properties of QoS provisioning as well as power saving. Furthermore, a layered structure is derived by applying Lagrangian dual decomposition to GJRP A and a distributed algorithm is proposed to find the N.E. via this structure.
Yuan Wu, Danny H. K. Tsang
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Yuan Wu, Danny H. K. Tsang
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