

On the logic of cooperation and propositional control

14 years 2 months ago
On the logic of cooperation and propositional control
Cooperation logics have recently begun to attract attention within the multi-agent systems community. Using a cooperation logic, it is possible to represent and reason about the strategic powers of agents and coalitions of agents in game-like multi-agent systems. These powers are generally assumed to be implicitly defined within the structure of the environment, and their origin is rarely discussed. In this paper, we study a cooperation logic in which agents are each assumed to control a set of propositional variables--the powers of agents and coalitions then derive from the allocation of propositions to agents. The basic modal constructs in this Coalition Logic of Propositional Control (CL-PC) allow us to express the fact that a group of agents can cooperate to bring about a certain state of affairs. After motivating and introducing CL-PC, we provide a complete axiom system for the logic, investigate the issue of characterising control in CL-PC with respect to the underlying power st...
Wiebe van der Hoek, Michael Wooldridge
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Where AI
Authors Wiebe van der Hoek, Michael Wooldridge
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